The state of Kansas has a sophisticated transportation system and because of its location in the center of the nation, it is attractive for people wanting to move illegal substances in and out of the country.
The people who are transporting the illegal substances mainly use commercial and private means of transportation to move the illegal substances throughout the state. The drug traffickers also move their product by using airplanes, buses and passenger trains.
Is Kansas doing anything to counteract drug trafficking activities?
Kansas is well aware of the serious issues that exist with drug trafficking. Because of those issues, the Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA, along with the El Paso Intelligence Center, or EPIC, instituted Operation Pipeline, which as a national safety interdiction program.
The authorities seize drugs from private vehicles and the information is reported to Operation Pipeline by local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. The agencies work across the United States along the major highways and interstate roads that are known to contain the most drug traffickers.
What about other means of transportation for drug traffickers?
Drug traffickers also use airplanes to transport their product sometimes. There are two major airports that they use and that serve Kansas: The Kansas City International Airport, which is in Missouri and the Wichita Mid-Continent Airport. Additionally, there are more than 140 local airports and landing strips in Kansas, which gives drug traffickers even more opportunity to transport their drugs.
Interestingly, the percentage of people in Kansas who reportedly use illegal drugs is lower that the nationwide percentage. The last available statistic said that 5.1% of people in Kansas reported having used an illegal drug in the month before the survey whereas the nationwide number was 6.3%.
Solid legal advice from a Kansas drug defense attorney
If you have been charged with a drug crime, you will want an experienced Kansas drug defense attorney, who can ensure that you understand your rights and can make sure that you are acquainted with the legal process and what you will be facing. Your attorney can give you the benefit of their experience and can hopefully turn your case around so that the outcome is less severe than you thought. Everyone makes mistakes because everyone is human. However, what is important is what you learn from your mistakes so that you can move on and have a better life going forward.