One Sex Crime Conviction Will Forever Change Your Life
Sex crimes are the most damaging of all criminal charges to one’s reputation. A conviction for a sex crime could mean being registered as a sex offender. It could prevent you from living in certain areas or pursuing specific occupations. It could also mean long periods of incarceration while having a sex crime on your rap sheet.
Attorney Carl Cornwell has experience in representing individuals charged with a wide variety of sex crimes including rape, statutory rape, indecent liberties and Internet sex crimes. He has represented individuals as a lawyer in both the Kansas and federal court system. And having tried over 300 felony matters, he’s an attorney who can litigate cases or negotiate the best possible settlement for you.
Proving That Sex Crime Allegations Are False
District attorneys often aggressively prosecute sex crime offenses because these cases garner so much public attention. Though the burden of proof is on the shoulders of prosecutors to make their case, these cases may go ahead with little more than innuendo or hearsay to back claims up. Inferences of guilt or false allegations may be used to convict individuals.
Carl Cornwell can hold prosecutors to the correct standard of proof. He will negotiate with them for the most favorable resolution. He will fight to keep all improper evidence out. If he takes your matter to trial, he goes there with the idea of winning your case.
Allegations Of Solicitation And Statutory Rape
Statutory rape is defined as unlawful sexual intercourse with an individual under the state’s age of consent laws. Such charges often come about when a young adult man not much older than a young woman engages in consensual sexual relations. Since the woman is considered under age, the man then faces statutory rape charges. We are also seeing more individuals charged with soliciting sex from minors through Internet chat rooms.
The consequences of such charges can be devastating. Not only will the young man be sentenced to a possible jail sentence, he may also have to register as a sex offender and have rape listed upon his criminal record.
Carl knows how to fight such allegations. His zealous advocacy and determination to prevent false arrests from occurring make him an ideal advocate for you. Contact him by calling his Olathe office at 913-712-0459.